Indonesian protesters call for death of Dutch anti-Islam filmmaker
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Indonesian protesters call for death of Dutch anti-Islam filmmaker
We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.MEMRI: Latest News
And so, the Islamic radicals will likely go on assuming that the asymmetrical warfare rules which paralyze governments necessarily paralyze whole populations. They might commit their tame media outlets, hired academics, cowed liberal intellectuals and all their instruments of information control to a campaign aimed at suppressing dissent inside the West.The Belmont Club: And so it begins
Geert Wilders' film is a hit - over 1.5 million views in English, over 2.5 million in Dutch last time I checked - but it's nevertheless been yanked by LiveLeak, with the following statement:The Corner on National Review Online
Dutch Muslims reacted calmly yesterday to an anti-Islam film released by a right-wing lawmaker, but governments from the Islamic world lodged protests.Dutch Muslims show tolerance to Islam film - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
In Pakistan, hundreds of protesters took to the streets to demand the expulsion of the Dutch ambassador who had already been summoned by parliament, according to the Associated Press. Protesters held signs saying, "We hate the uncivilized West."
With Bush's coalition warfighting strategy under attack both from liberals and conservatives, the public may be left with stark choice of either regarding Islam as an misunderstood ideological "friend" -- the abstract equivalent of a protected minority class -- or as an implacable enemy, one bent on the destruction of the West.The Belmont Club: The Wilders film
In Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, about 40 supporters of the hardline Islamist party Jamaat-i-Islami protested, chanting "Death to the filmmaker" and demanding Pakistan's government sever diplomatic ties with The - Muslims, Europeans Condemn Anti-Islam Film