Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Just A Man...

Charles Krauthammer - Obama's Magic Evaporates in the Heat of the Health-Reform Debate

"...for the first time since election night in Grant Park, he will appear in the most unfamiliar of guises -- mere mortal, a treacherous transformation to which a man of Obama's supreme self-regard may never adapt. "

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Traitorous Lion

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit -
Kennedy made Andropov a couple of specific offers.

First he offered to visit Moscow. "The main purpose of the meeting, according to the senator, would be to arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." Kennedy would help the Soviets deal with Reagan by telling them how to brush up their propaganda.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Raising his voice against enviro-inquisition

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
atmospheric carbon dioxide is now at the lowest levels it has been for 500 million years, and that atmospheric carbon dioxide is only 0.001 per cent of the total amount of the chemical held in the oceans, surface rocks, soils and various life forms. Indeed, Plimer says carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a plant food. Plants eat carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen. Human activity, he says, contributes only the tiniest fraction to even the atmospheric presence of carbon dioxide.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are you globally warm enough?

Chicago Area Sees Coldest July Since 1942; Average Temperature Only 68.9 Degrees -
The National Weather Service says 2009 has seen the coldest July since the official recording station was moved away from the lakefront in 1942. The average temperature this month in Chicago has been a mere 68.9 degrees.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Another state sticks it to Obama - The Omaha World-Herald: Metro/Region - Nebraskans assert state sovereignty
Arizona lawmakers put a measure on the 2010 ballot that would exempt residents from a federal health care plan.

I know, I know, it's all about Nebraska, but it's interesting how great Obama(s)care scares people everywhere.

It's OK to dictate to Israel

Anti-Obama Rally in Jerusalem - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News
The slogan for Monday’s demonstration, and the message to Obama and his envoys, is, "Yes to Israeli Independence, No to American Dictates!"

Closer to Syria, Farther from Israel

Obama to End US Embargo Against Syria - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News
The Syrian diplomat noted that Israel's lobby isn't as strong as America's industrial and financial companies, which are harmed by the anti-Syrian embargo. The Boeing Company, developers of aircraft technology, are particularly interested in nullifying the embaro, according to Mustafa.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

What's going on? - Ice Age, Not Global Warming, the Bigger Threat
It is becoming clear to more and more climate experts that something is happening and it is not global warming. Those who study the sun and its demonstrable effect on climate — it does warm the earth and make it habitable after all — are expressing alarm over the near-disappearance of sun spots that many experts insist portends global cooling of at least 30 or more years.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Climate Changes Every Day

Mat Rodina
By changing the terminology to Climate Change, from Global Warming, two things happen. First, it releases the Watermelons from direct accountability for their earlier fear mongering predictions that have simply not panned out in the least. Hell, its a record snow fall in central Australia and according to the likes of Al Gore, kangaroos should be spontaneously combusting, even as you read this. Mmm, deep fried big gray tale...pure red meat. This change also allows the Watermelons to blanket statement any and all variations of the global climate as "proof" of their unscientific stance.

Weak Obama / Columnists / Clive Crook - Obama is choosing to be weak
The president has cast himself not as a leader of reform, but as a cheerleader for “reform” – meaning anything, really, that can plausibly be called reform, however flawed.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

United Soviet States of America?

Mat Rodina
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Obama's Lawlessness

George F. Will - The Obama Administration's Economic Lawlessness

The administration's central activity -- the political allocation of wealth and opportunity -- is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Oddly Quiet

Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?
Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?

Still "fighting global warming"? Sun is on your side.

"We don't know the sensitivity of the climate to changes in solar intensity. In my opinion, I wouldn't play with things I don't know."

Friday, March 13, 2009

Obama's budget is a lie

Gregg: Budget forecast a lie - First Read -

He [Gregg] challenged the budget's math on cutting the debt: "When you take the deficit and quadruple it and then you cut it and half, that's like taking four steps back and two steps forward. That's not making any progress; you're still going backwards."

Gregg questioned why any foreign country would continue to buy up U.S. debt: "Because if I'm in the international marketplace, and I'm looking at this budget, I'm saying to myself, ‘Where's the discipline? Where's the containment?' There isn't any."

Obama is not so good after all?

Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth -

A detailed examination of presidential popularity after 50 days on the job similarly demonstrates a substantial drop in presidential approval relative to other elected presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries. The reason for this decline most likely has to do with doubts about the administration's policies and their impact on peoples' lives.

American people are so simple-minded. Where were all these disapproving people on election day?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Inflation rates

Current Inflation Rates | Monthly and Yearly Chart, Graph and Table: 2000-2009 Data - US Inflation Calculator

Table of Inflation Rates by Month and Year (1999-2009)


Current Economic Indicators

U.S. Inflation Rate Forecast

Current Economic Indicators
March 10, 2009 (Close of Day)

Inflation % -0.15
GDP Growth % -6.40
Unemployment % 8.10
Gold $/oz 901.50
Oil $/bbl 45.71
Prime % 3.25

Friday, March 06, 2009

Obama The Great Orator

Obama's safety net: the TelePrompter - Carol E. Lee -
Obama has relied on a teleprompter through even the shortest announcements and when repeating the same lines on his economic stimulus plan that he's been saying for months — whereas past presidents have mostly worked off of notes on the podium except during major speeches, such as the State of the Union.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Phasing Out Gore

Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports - Don Surber - A scientist forces Al Gore to back down 
"When Mr. Gore addressed a packed, cheering hall at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago earlier this month, his climate slide show contained a startling graph showing a ceiling-high spike in disasters in recent years.

"The data came from the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (also called CRED) at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels."

The slide has since disappeared from the show, Revkin wrote.

This was not happenstance. Pielke called Gore on his assertions. The link between manmade activity and natural disasters has not been established.

Hey Obama, where's hope?

Our Troubled Economy Is a Response to Barack Obama's Policies -

So what has happened in the last two months? The economy has received no great new outside shock. Exchange rates and other prices have been stable, and there are no security crises of note. The reality of a sharp recession has been known and built into stock prices since last year's fourth quarter.

What is new is the unveiling of Mr. Obama's agenda and his approach to governance. Every new President has a finite stock of capital -- financial and political -- to deploy, and amid recession Mr. Obama has more than most. But one negative revelation has been the way he has chosen to spend his scarce resources on income transfers rather than growth promotion. Most of his "stimulus" spending was devoted to social programs, rather than public works, and nearly all of the tax cuts were devoted to income maintenance rather than to improving incentives to work or invest.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Move on. There's nothing to see here.

Buildings sprang up as donations rained down on Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion
The man who is President Obama's newly minted urban czar pocketed thousands of dollars in campaign cash from city developers whose projects he approved or funded with taxpayers' money

Ridiculous Oscar

Rushdie dubs 'Slumdog Millionaire' ridiculous
Rushdie said the central weakness of the film -- which won eight Oscars -- was that it was adapted from a book by Indian diplomat-novelist Vikas Swarup called "Q&A" which is itself "a corny potboiler, with a plot that defies belief."

Friday, February 27, 2009

Polls are in - Poll: Obama Popularity Lags Bush After First Month
Heading into this week’s address to Congress, the Gallup figures showed 59 percent of Americans approved of Obama’s efforts so far, while 25 percent disapproved, and 16 percent had no opinion. According to, President Bush had a 62 percent approval rating one month into his first term, with 21 percent disapproving, and 17 percent having no opinion.

"I don't want to be politically correct."

Eastwood thinks political correctness has made society humourless - Yahoo! India News
It was just normal that we made jokes based on our nationality or ethnicity. That was never a problem. I don't want to be politically correct.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Carbon Dioxide Poisoning

Professor, Wife Accused of Defrauding NASA of Hundreds of Thousands of Taxpayer Dollars - Professor, Wife Accused of Defrauding NASA of Hundreds of Thousands of Taxpayer Dollars - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Authorities say Sousan Anghaie persuaded NASA to award her company "several fully funded contracts," including nearly $600,000 to develop and study a uranium-related technology.

But, according to an affidavit unsealed today in federal court, the couple allegedly used most of that money to buy personal luxuries — including their $480,000 home in Gainesville, a 2007 BMW and a 2005 Toyota Sienna sports van.

They also used that money to buy a property for their son in Tampa, Fla., a property for their other son in Manchester, Conn., a 2008 Toyota Corolla for Sousan Anghaie's sister, and a 2007 Toyota Corolla for another family member.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Geert Wilders Speech

Jihad Watch: Wilders: "Our enemies should know: we will never apologize for being free men, we will never bow for the combined forces of Mecca and the left"
Here is Geert Wilders' speech at the Four Seasons in New York on February 23:

Thank you.

Thank you very much for inviting me. And – to the immigration authorities – thank you for letting me into this country. It is always a pleasure to cross a border without being sent back on the first plane.

Today, the dearest of our many freedoms is under attack all throughout Europe. Free speech is no longer a given. What we once considered a natural element of our existence, our birth right, is now something we once again have to battle for.

As you might know, I will be prosecuted, because of my film Fitna, my remarks regarding Islam, and my view concerning what some call a ‘religion of peace’. A few years from now, I might be a criminal.

Whether or not I end up in jail is not the most pressing issue; I gave up my freedom four years ago. I am under full-time police protection ever since. The real question is: will free speech be put behind bars? And the larger question for the West is: will we leave Europe’s children the values of Rome, Athens and Jerusalem, or the values of Mecca, Teheran and Gaza?

This is what video blogger Pat Condell said in one of his latest you tube appearances. He says: “If I talked about Muslims the way their holy book talks about me, I’d be arrested for hate speech.” Now, Mr Condell is a stand-up comedian, but in the video he is dead serious and the joke is on us. Hate speech will always be used against the people defending the West – in order to please and appease Muslims. They can say whatever they want: throw gays from apartment buildings, kill the Jews, slaughter the infidel, destroy Israel, jihad against the West. Whatever their book tells them.

Today, I come before you to warn of a great threat. It is called Islam. It poses as a religion, but its goals are very worldly: world domination, holy war, sharia law, the end of the separation of church and state, slavery of women, the end of democracy. It is NOT a religion, it is an political ideology. It demands your respect, but has no respect for you.

There might be moderate Muslims, but there is no moderate Islam. Islam will never change, because it is built on two rocks that are forever, two fundamental beliefs that will never change, and will never alter. First, there is the Quran, Allah’s personal word, uncreated, forever, with orders that need to be fulfilled regardless of place or time. And second, there is al-insal al-kamil, the perfect man, Muhammad the role model, whose deeds are to be imitated by all Muslims. And since Muhammad was a warlord and a conqueror we know what to expect. Islam means submission, so there cannot be any mistake about it’s goal. That’s a given. It’s fact.

This is Europe 2009. Muslim settlers calling for our destruction, and free speech on trial. All this is the outcome of a sick and evil ideology, the ideology that is weakening us, the surrender ideology of cultural relativism. It believes that all cultures are equal, and therefore Islam deserves an equal place in the West. It is their duty, the left thinks, to facilitate Islam. This way the cultural relativists paradise comes within reach and we will all be happy, and sing kumbaya.

The forces of Islam couldn’t agree more. Islam being facilitated by government is their agenda too. But they see it as jizya, the money dhimmis pay in order not to be killed or raped by their Muslim masters. Therefore, they happily accept the welfare cheque or the subsidies for their mosque or the money governments donate to their organizations.

This is just one example of cultural relativists and Muslim settlers having the same agenda. There is another. Islam considers itself a religion and therefore we are not permitted to criticize it. The left agrees. Although it hated Christianity for decades, now that Islam appears on the scene, they suddenly change course and demand ‘respect’ for something they call a religion.

Again we see the left and Islam having the same agenda: it is a religion, so shut up.

This all culminates in a third coming-together: nor the left nor Islam is in favor of criticism. In fact, given the opportunity, they would simply outlaw it. Multiculturalism is the left’s pet project. It is actually their religion. Their love of it is so great, if you oppose it, it must be hate. And if you say it, it is labeled hate speech. Now here is something the Islam can agree on.

This is the essence of my short introduction today: where the left and Islam come together, freedom will suffer.

My friends, make no mistake, my prosecution is a full-fledged attack by the left on freedom of speech in order to please Muslims. It was started by a member of the Dutch Labour party, and the entire legal proceeding is done by well-to-do liberals, the radical chic of Dutch society, the snobbish left. Too much money, too much time, too little love of liberty. If you read what the court of Amsterdam has written about me, you read the same texts that cultural relativists produce.

How low can we go in the Netherlands? About my prosecution, The Wall Street Journal noted: “this is no small victory for Islamic regimes seeking to export their censorship laws to wherever Muslims reside”. The Journal concluded that by The Netherlands accepting the free speech standards of, “Saudi-Arabia”, I stand correct in my observation that - I quote - “Muslim immigration is eroding traditional Dutch liberties”.

Now, if the Wall Street Journal has the moral clarity to see that my prosecution is the logical outcome of our disastrous, self-hating, multiculturalists immigration policies, then why can’t the European liberal establishment see the same thing? Why aren’t they getting at least a little bit scared by the latest news out of, for example, the UK. News that tells that the Muslim population in Britain is growing ten times as fast as the rest of society. Why don’t they care?

The answer is: they don’t care because they are blinded by their cultural relativism. Their disdain of the West is so much greater than the appreciation of our many liberties. And therefore, they are willing to sacrifice everything. The left once stood for women rights, gay rights, equality, democracy. Now, they favour immigration policies that will end all this. Many even lost their decency. Elite politicians have no problem to participate in or finance demonstrations where settlers shout “Death to the Jews”. Seventy years after Auschwitz they know of no shame.

Two weeks ago, I tried to get into Britain, a fellow EU country. I was invited to give a speech in Parliament. However, upon arrival at London airport, I was refused entry into the UK, and sent back on the first plane to Holland. I would have loved to have reminded the audience of a great man who once spoke in the House of Commons. In 1982 President Reagan gave a speech there very few people liked. Reagan called upon the West to reject communism and defend freedom. He introduced a phrase: ‘evil empire’. Reagan’s speech stands out as a clarion call to preserve our liberties. I quote: If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly. What Reagan meant is that you cannot run away from history, you cannot escape the dangers of ideologies that are out to destroy you. Denial is no option.

So, what should we do? Is this a good moment for freedom-loving people to give in or to change course? To all-of-a-sudden start singing praise of Islam, or proclaiming there is such a thing as a moderate Islam? Will we now accept the continuation of Muslim mass immigration to the West? Will we appease sharia and jihad? Should we sacrifice gay rights and women rights? Or democracy? Should we sell out Israel, our dearest ally, and a frontline state of Islam?

Well, my humble opinion is: No way, Jose!

I suggest to defend freedom in general and freedom of speech in particular. I propose the withdrawal of all hate speech legislation in Europe. I propose a European First Amendment. In Europe we should defend freedom of speech like you Americans do. In Europe freedom of speech should be extended, instead of restricted. Of course, calling for violence or unjustly yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre have to be punished, but the right to criticize ideologies or religions are necessary conditions for a vital democracry. As George Orwell once said: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.

Let us defend freedom of speech and let us gain strength and work hard to become even stronger. Millions think just like you and me. Millions think liberty is precious. That democracy is better than sharia. And after all, why should we be afraid? Our many freedoms and our prosperity are the result of centuries of endeavour. Centuries of hard work and sacrifice. We do not stand alone, and we stand on the shoulders of giants.

Late December 1944 the American army was suddenly faced with a last-ditch effort by the Germans. In the Ardennes, in the Battle of the Bulge, Hitler and his national-socialists fought for their last chance. And they were very successful. Americans faced defeat, and death.

In the darkest of winter, in the freezing cold, in a lonely forest with snow and ice as even fiercer enemies than the Nazi war machine itself, the American army was told to surrender. That might be their only chance to survive. But General McAuliffe thought otherwise. He gave the Germans a short message. This message contained just four letters. Four letters only, but never in the history of freedom was a desire for liberty and perseverance in the face of evil expressed more eloquently than in that message. It spelled N – U – T – S. “Nuts”.

My friends, the national-socialists got the message. Because it left no room for interpretation!

I suggest we walk in the tradition of giants like General McAuliffe and the American soldiers who fought and died for the freedom of my country and for a secular and democratic Europe, and we tell the enemies of freedom just that. NUTS! Because that’s all there is to it. No explanations. No beating around the bush. No caveats.

Our enemies should know: we will never apologize for being free men, we will never bow for the combined forces of Mecca and the left. And we will never surrender. We stand on the shoulders of giants. There is no stronger power than the force of free men fighting for the great cause of liberty. Because freedom is the birthright of all man.

Silicon Valley Not Immune to the Technology Blues After All

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oops... News
A glitch in satellite sensors caused scientists to underestimate the extent of Arctic sea ice by 500,000 square kilometers (193,000 square miles), a California- size area, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back To The Future

Czech president compares EU to Soviet Union
The European Union has turned into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to the Communist dictatorships of eastern Europe that forbade alternative thinking, Czech President Vaclav Klaus told the European Parliament on Thursday.

Save The Billionaires!!!!

Chicago Tea Party

Video -

CNBC's Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, February 06, 2009

Awakening from Obama

Charles Krauthammer - The Fierce Urgency of Pork
After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell -- and that this president told better than anyone.

I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Funnier and funnier

Frigid temperatures take WNY by surprise : Home: The Buffalo News
Buffalo State College hosts the national teach-in on Global Warming Situations today — a day the local temperature bottomed out at minus 6 degrees.

It's laughable, poor deluded souls...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

So Sorry

Obama The Great

IndiaDaily - Obama appointed more than 17 lobbyists after talking big on anti-lobbyist, clean Governance
Dreams are dreams. Facts are facts. President Obama is surrounded by corrupt lobbyists ready to sell America cheap. One good silver lining – if Obama Adminsitration’s corruption index is 10, Bush Administration’s was 95.

Hey Al, it's too cold for global warming!

Czech president attacks Al Gore's climate campaign
"I don't think that there is any global warming," said the 67-year-old liberal, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the European Union. "I don't see the statistical data for that."

Snow In London

They are baaack! / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Departures tarnish president’s ethics drive
“Make no mistake,” Mr Daschle said in a 1998 debate. “Tax cheaters cheat us all, and the [IRS] should enforce our laws to the letter.”

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Global Warming Scam

The Amazing Story Behind Tho Global Warming Scam | KUSI - News, Weather and Sports - San Diego, CA | Coleman's Corner

...Roger Revelle was indeed the grandfather of global warming. His work had laid the foundation for the UN IPCC, provided the anti-fossil fuel ammunition to the environmental movement and sent Al Gore on his road to his books, his movie, his Nobel Peace Prize and a hundred million dollars from the carbon credits business...

...But the tide was turning with Roger Revelle. He was forced out at Harvard at 65 and returned to California and a semi retirement position at UCSD. There he had time to rethink Carbon Dioxide and the greenhouse effect. The man who had inspired Al Gore and given the UN the basic research it needed to launch its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was having second thoughts. In 1988 he wrote two cautionary letters to members of Congress. He wrote, "My own personal belief is that we should wait another 10 or 20 years to really be convinced that the greenhouse effect is going to be important for human beings, in both positive and negative ways." He added, "…we should be careful not to arouse too much alarm until the rate and amount of warming becomes clearer."...

...Al Gore has dismissed Roger Revelle’s Mea culpa as the actions of senile old man. And, the next year, while running for Vice President, he said the science behind global warming is settled and there will be no more debate, From 1992 until today, he and his cohorts have refused to debate global warming and when ask about we skeptics they simply insult us and call us names.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Obama hysteria

Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all end in tears :: Gerald Warner
What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence - la trahison des clercs - in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.

Pew: global warming is the least of concerns

Overview: Economy, Jobs Trump All Other Policy Priorities In 2009

"As Barack Obama takes office, the public’s focus is overwhelmingly on domestic policy concerns – particularly the economy. "

More bad news for Uncle Al.

Oceans are cooling according to NASA

Baltimore Weather Examiner: Oceans are cooling according to NASA

John Willis, an oceanographer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, published his first report about the warming oceans. The article Correcting Ocean Cooling
(see below) published on NASA's Earth Observatory page this week
discussed his and other results.  Willis used data from1993-2003 that
showed the warm-up and followed the Global Warming Theory.  In 2006, he
co-piloted a follow-up study led by John Lyman at Pacific Marine
Environmental Laboratory in Seattle that updated the time series for
2003-2005. Surprisingly, the ocean seemed to have cooled. He was surprised, and called it a 'speed bump' on the way to global warming. 

Surprised? Speed bump? It sounds like the pesky Mother Nature wouldn't let the AGW bigots enjoy their fantasies.

Drug money to the rescue

Anywhere he goes

Al Gore is scheduled before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday morning to once again testify on the 'urgent need' to combat global warming.

But Mother Nature seems ready to freeze the proceedings.

A 'Winter Storm Watch' has been posted for the nation's capitol and there is a potential for significant snow... sleet... or ice accumulations.

It happens every time... Somebody up there doesn't like Mr. Gore's agenda.

But of course, COLD is HOT:
Global warming advocates have suggested this year's wild winter spells are proof of climate change.

Monday, January 26, 2009

"... we have no media anymore ..."

VDH's Private Papers::Novus Ordo Seclorum
Clinton survived Monica as the media began emphasizing that Ken Starr was a ‘cigarette lawyer’ rather than the President as a serial philander with a subordinate employee in the Oval Office, who lied about it to the American people. To near silence, he pardoned a fugitive on the FBI’s most wanted list who had given Clinton subordinates and surrogates hundreds of thousands of dollars for the pardon. Again, we have no media anymore, only a group of rather elite socializers who believe they play a key role in ensuring social justice by their enlightened ethical commentary. A successful journalist in DC or New York is instead a social position, analogous to the thousands who lived in 18th-century Versailles, and occasionally were invited to dine with Louis himself.

The rich party, the poor go hungry

VDH's Private Papers::Novus Ordo Seclorum

The 2005 Bush inauguration, despite occurring in boom times, was, I remember, deemed by the media as crass and a rich man’s fest, insensitive to the general poverty around. The more than twice as expensive 2009 Obama inauguration, despite occurring in a severe recession, is a measured and proper celebration of diversity and landmark progress. Annuit coeptis indeed.

Scandals 'R' Democrats

The new Democratic presidency has just begun, but the ethical and financial scandals are already in abundance. (Rezko, Blago, Rangel, Murtha, Geithner, Google it!). I don't remember anything like that with Bush administration. Bad Bush, but very few scandals; Good dems, but a bunch of scumbags? Or is it the dirty work of the GOP attack machine? But then again don't Dems have an attack machine? Or yes they only have the total of nations media in their pocket.

It's deja vu all over again. Clinton was a laughing stock of the whole world; Bush was a village idiot according to MSM; I guess Obama is setting on the same path in his own way.

Can we have some dignity in the institute of US Presidency?

Silence of The Democrats

A Free Pass for the Indispensable Man by Jonah Goldberg on National Review Online
Timothy Geithner, President Obama’s choice to be the next treasury secretary, quite clearly tried to defraud the government of tens of thousands in payroll taxes while working at the International Monetary Fund. The IMF does not withhold such taxes but does compensate American employees who must pay them out of pocket. Geithner took the compensation—which involves considerable paperwork—but then simply pocketed the money.

Snow in Arab Emirates

AFP: UAE mountain covered in rare snow
A blanket of snow has covered a mountain in a part of the United Arab Emirates, a rare phenomenon for the desert Gulf country, according to local media report.

Al-Jees mountain, 5,700 feet (1,737 metres) above sea level and 25 kilometres (15 miles) northeast of Ras al-Khaimah city, was covered in 20 centimetres (eight inches) of snow, the state news agency WAM said.

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